Thursday, August 7, 2008

Egg Lovers

Egg lover I am! I love egg in any form, hard boiled, soft boiled, sunny-side up, scramble, poached, egg sandwich, egg salad, curry egg, egg fry with vegetables, and hey now, I am head over heels in love with rabbit-shaped egg!

Awww...... adorable right? So cute that made me hesitate for a moment before eating them.

Remember how the basket of red eggs remained untouched on a full moon or birthday party? Oh.... situation would not be the same anymore if you served these shaped-eggs. It comes in four shapes: rabbit, bear, car and fish!

and Yes! You can tint it in colour should you or your parents don't like plain white eggs on a celebration. Since it is de-shelled, your guests can gulp it down during the reception as an appetiser!

This egg's anatomy is to show the thin colour layer if you are worry about the over-dose of food colouring. Other colour is available too!

Selling Price : RM 18 for 24 eggs

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